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Jan 07, 2014
Selfie Humor
News, Photos, Weekly Selfies
Some may deem them as vain whereas others may argue they are simply catching the moment in the best way possible.
But whatever reason people feel the need to hold a camera at an unnatural angle and pose, there is no denying that 2013 was the year of the selfie.
Oxford Dictionaries even named the phrase as the word of the year, beating tough competition from twerk, binge-watch and showrooming.
Actor Hugh Jackman (left) posts a picture of himself after he is treated for skin cancer and Joey Essex (right) saying in these social network pictures ‘Safe though’ and ‘SELFIE with my mate Ed’
One of the most famous selfies of the past 12 months was the Pope posing with teenagers at the Vatican.
The picture went viral on social media and was widely speculated as being the first ever ‘Papal selfie’.
Among the most controversial of the year was earlier this month when U.S. President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron posed for a selfie at Nelson Mandela’s memorial service in Johannesburg.
Not that it will ever be seen – when the Danish prime minister was asked if she’d reveal the photo she said, resoundingly, no and admitted ‘it isn’t a particularly good picture.’
An eye-brow raising selfie was taken by Samantha Cameron’s sister on the morning of her wedding day, revealing David Cameron napping on a four-poster bed in the background.
Not to be outdone Labour leader Ed Miliband later posed for a selfie with popstar Lily Allen which she posted on her Twitter page.
Cara Delevingne’s lion tattoo (left) and Madonna with a gold teeth brace (right)
Mustachioed Fox host Geraldo Rivera, 70, left, tweeted a very revealing nude self-portrait, which he later deleted… but it was too late. Right: Actress and reality star, Helen Flanagan seemed to spent most of 2013 pouting at any given opportunity in her long list of selfies
Video selfie: Juistin Bieber was caught out yet again this year, this time on a grainy video ‘selfie’ that has been posted online by a girl who had partied with the star. The video shows Bieber sleeping peacefully, wrapped in a brown blanket on a large striped day bed in Brazil
An example of a tasteless selfie was when a news photographer captured a shot of a tourist snapping a selfie in front of a Brooklyn Bridge jumper, while one of the luckiest was when reporter Kelly Nash captured the moment a baseball flew narrowly past her head at Fenway Park stadium in Boston.
One of the strangest was when Florida student Malik Whiter saw that his teacher went into labor during class and pulled out his phone, positioned himself just so in front of the pain-stricken woman and smiled for the camera.
‘Selfie with my teacher while she having contractions,’ Whiter tweeted in October.
The photo featuring Whiter’s grinning mug with mirrored sunglasses and a beanie on his head in the foreground, and his terrified-looking teacher in the background, became an instant viral hit.
But one would-be Romeo’s unusual attempt to woo a woman he met in Starbucks spectacularly backfired after his selfie video went viral.
In an apparent attempt to secure a date, the man – dubbed ‘StarbucksDrakeHands guy’ online – sent the ‘seductive’ video to the woman.
But the 16-second clip, in which he gazes into the camera, did not have the effect he intended set to the song Hold On, We’re Going Home, by Drake, the man stares intently at the camera pulling his best model pose – it sparked dozens of ruthless imitations after being posted online.
Mask shot: The Star Wars Instagram account was kicked off with a selfie from Darth Vader, which amassed over 23,000 likes in the past 24 hours
One would-be Romeo’s unusual attempt to woo a woman he met in Starbucks has spectacularly backfired after his selfie video went viral . It begins with ‘StarbucksDrakeHands guy’ staring intently into the camera
Even space saw its first selfie and astronaut Luca Parmitano used a digital still camera to take a photo while the Star Wars Instagram account was kicked off with a selfie from Darth Vader, which amassed over 23,000 likes in the just 24 hours.
Popstar Rhianna caused more of a storm than she realised when she posted a selfie on Instagram of herself with a slow loris in September.
After she posted the picture Thai police arrested two men for selling photo ops with protected-species.
And singer Justin Bieber was caught out yet again, this time on a grainy video ‘selfie’ that has been posted online by a girl who had partied with the star – the video shows Bieber sleeping peacefully, wrapped in a brown blanket on a large striped day bed.
Social networking website Facebook is the place where the most selfies are uploaded.
Half of us (48 per cent) post pictures of ourselves that we’ve taken on Facebook, 9 per cent post to Twitter and 5 per cent use the app Snapchat – although most celebrities opt for Instagram.
Selfie was added to the Oxford Dictionaries Online in August, but is not yet in the Oxford English Dictionary, although it is being considered for future use – maybe 2014 will be the year it arrives in the print version of most esteemed guardian of the English language.
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